Category Archives: blind



In the year 2012 tourism alone supported about 6.7 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India.

Women tourist to India has dropped by 35% according to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India.

Violence against Women, Sexual Assaults & Rapes in India are on the rise and will continue

1.  Danish Tourist Case: Eight monsters in New Delhi, the rape capital of India raped a 51 year old Danish tourist at knife point after she approached them for directions back to her hotel located in Paharganj, a busy backpacker district frequented by foreign tourists. The men led her to a dead-end road, where about eight men jumped out from bushes and cornered her, according to a police report cited by Indian news media. The victim’s ordeal lasted for about 3 hours near Connaught Place, a popular area frequented by shoppers. All six of the monsters are young homeless men.

 2.   German Tourist Case:   A few days ago an 18-year-old German charity worker was assaulted on a train in Southern India. The culprit was a fellow passenger.

 3.   Swiss Tourist Case:  In March 2013 a couple from Switzerland who were camping in a forest, in the Madhya Pradesh state were attacked by a group of men. They were brutally beaten up, the woman was gang raped repeatedly for long hours in the presence of her husband. Six men were jailed for life for the attack.

4.   American Tourist Case:  In June 2013 a 30 year old American woman was gang raped in the northern resort town of Manali as she made her way to her guest house (Inn).

5.  In 2013 a photojournalist was raped in broad daylight in Mumbai. Another, 21 year old woman was raped by 2 groups of men on Christmas Eve in Pondicherry. A 16 year old girl who was gang raped twice and set ablaze in Calcutta, later died.

According to the Government of India (GoI) there were 1,330 rapes reported in New Delhi and the surrounding suburbs between January – October 2013.

The new stringent laws that doubled prison terms for rape to 20 years and criminalized voyeurism and stalking do not serve as a deterrent to Indian men, simply because they do not respect women. The two largest cultures in India do not advocate for women to be respected.

Millions of women in India are harassed, violated and killed for dowry. Many more have to put up with daily indignities, the abuse continues unabated and the streets of India are not safe. Police corruption is rampant, people with clout, influence and the right connections get away with rape, murder, extortion, blackmail and much more.

The judicial process in India is a joke in itself. The Indian Judiciary is corrupt to its core, and the legal process takes decades. In the meantime, the witnesses either forget the facts as perceived at the time of the incident (crime), many witnesses are routinely bribed and suffer from sudden amnesia, or turn hostile towards the victim or prosecution, many are simply bought out by the culprits and their politically connected rich family members. The Police do not protect the witnesses, and the circus continues. The Judges of all levels and ranks can be bought as well, if you have the money or political connections all is well for the criminals and their accomplices.

The victim is further brutalized by the Judicial Officers, Police and the Law itself.

Cases involving foreigners continue to get more attention in the media and from the police, Indian women who are raped are still unlikely to receive justice. The double standards are a part and parcel of life in India. This is Justice in India. 

The 6 pillars upon which India stands today are illiteracy, hypocrisy, anarchy, blindness, monstrosity and irrationality. If a country’s GDP was to be measured by any of these 6 national products, India would rightfully be the richest country in the world, but for now I will leave it for history to prove me wrong. 

Click to access LDM_BRI(2013)130433_REV1_EN.pdf



The Renaissance in Modern India is wanting.

~ author

Raja Ram Mohan Roy endeavored to create from t...

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Raja Ram Mohan Roy endeavored to create from the ancient Upanishadic texts a vision of rationalist modern India.


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Help transform India – Fight for your Constitutional rights

Wake Up India

Fight for your Constitutional rights, because your Government wants you to be illiterate & subservient

While the majority of India‘s population lives in abject poverty & faces severe malnutrition, shortage of food, water, clothing, low income housingrunning water, electricity, healthcare & education, which forces millions of poverty stricken parents to take desperate measures such as having their 5 & 6 year old children to work as bonded laborers (slaves) in the most appalling conditions and without adequate food, education, shelter or sanitary conditions.

Instead of declaring WAR on the very problems that keep India in absolute mindbogglingly poverty.

The Government of India (GOI) has decided to declare WAR on its citizens by undermining their intelligence and attacking their Constitutional rights.

The Government of India and the selected (not elected) criminals in the Indian parliament in New Delhi cannot stomach the fact that dissent, and a more outspoken citizenry demanding their legal rights, enforcement of laws, equality, due process, accountability and civility from its government (Saarkar) are gathering momentum.

It is only a matter of time before UNITED CITIZENS OF INDIA (Hindus, Muslims, SikhsJains, Christians, Jews and many more) are more likely to bring law and order, civility, accountability and respect to the nation and to its democratic institutions.

A civil revolt of Himalayan proportions is inevitable if Indians get more legal rights, knowledge from the Internet, education and awareness of their region and the world in which they live in. This is the BIGGEST threat to the criminal politicians who want to keep the masses under their thumb.

Curbing free speech, expression and general knowledge only helps the criminal politicians to solidify their positions of power.

WE will not let this happen.


Please, click on the link below to find out more & do not forget to share this link with family, friends, acquaintances, and others on the web.

How India is losing its footing on free expression



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We all have heard the saying “Love conquers all”. 

In my opinion it is so because, Love is the most potent weapon in the human arsenal of emotions.


Atom_bomb (Photo credit: vaXzine)

              ~ author of the blog

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My Pledge – In response to Government of India’s steps to censor freedom of speech & expression.

Click on the link below

My response to the Indian Government’s steps to censor freedom of speech

Title page of Index Librorum Prohibitorum, or ...

Title page of Index Librorum Prohibitorum, or List of Prohibited Books, (Venice 1564). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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The Boldly Intolerant God of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Boldly Intolerant God of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

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Confession on Love – What true love means to me?

Out of Africa (film)

Out of Africa (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is what love means to me in context of a significant other (lover, girlfriend, spouse).

Its a man heart that speaks here.

Love diminishes our intellect and heightens our senses. I speak from experience. 🙂

Love makes you do all those things in life you have never done, never thought of doing or would never want to do for anyone. Yes, love does make you do things that you HATE the most in life, and you do it with a smile on your face and sincerity in your heart for that very special person.

When you are truly in love your mind shuts down, you go against all your principles and beliefs.

When you truly love her. You can smell her, taste her, feel her, hear her heart beat, you can listen to her cries and to her soul, and feel her presence all around you no no matter where you go, and much much more…even when she is far away from you or  long gone…never to return. Perhaps, that’s why they say “Love can drive you to madness”.

Love is eternal, it has no end just as our Universe.

Author ~

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Herr Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born on February 4, 1906 in Germany. He was a Lutheran pastor, theologian and an anti-nazi. His views and beliefs of the role of the Christian religion in a secular world has influenced many around the world. He also opposed Nazism and upon learning about the brutal and heinous crimes committed by the Nazis, he concluded that “the ultimate question for a responsible man to ask is not how he is to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation shall continue to live”.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the few church leaders who stood in courageous opposition to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi ideology, political, social and race policies.

Pastor Bonhoeffer was imprisoned at Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg (Flossenburg concentration camp in the region of Bavaria in Germany). He was condemned to death on April 8, 1945 for his anti-Nazi views and for his involvement in the conspiracy to kill Adolf Hitler. The following day, he was stripped of his clothing and led naked into the execution yard, where he was hanged from a thin wire. Pastor Bonhoeffer breathed his last on April 9, 1945.

The camp doctor who witnessed the execution wrote: “I saw Pastor Bonhoeffer… kneeling on the floor praying fervently to God. I was most deeply moved by the way this lovable man prayed, so devout and so certain that God heard his prayer. At the place of execution, he again said a short prayer and then climbed the few steps to the gallows, brave and composed. His death ensued after a few seconds. In the almost fifty years that I worked as a doctor, I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God.”

Excellent book ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography by Eberhard Bethge.

20th anniversary of the assassination against ...

20th anniversary of the assassination against Adolf Hitler on July 20th 1944 :*Graphics by Gerd und E. Aretz :*Ausgabepreis: 20 Pfennig :*First Day of Issue / Erstausgabetag: 20. Juli 1964 :*Michel-Katalog-Nr: 433 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Human Rights – Let us all get involved

English: WikiProject Human rights logo

Human Rights – Let us all get involved

Human Rights – Let us all get involved

Dear Friends & critics

Please, click on the link and voice your concerns about the human rights abuses in India. The website is educational and informative. Get your friends, family, neighbors, classmates & everyone else involved by emailing this link to others, requesting them to take action against the criminals who continue to abuse and suppress our fellow countryman. Let us all pledge to declare war on DISCRIMINATION against our fellow citizens. Help me protect and preserve human lives and our democracy.

~ Thank you

Author ~


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Author’s Introduction

india calcutta bookstore

india calcutta bookstore (Photo credit: FriskoDude)

Who am I?

What do I stand for?  What are my beliefs?

Why do I care so much?

I am a social activist at heart, hence I started this blog. My sole purpose is to educated the masses in order to bring positive changes to the three branches of the Indian government – the Executive, Legislative & Judicial.

I believe in keeping an open mind, so that I may learn to appreciate various points of view. I do not believe in “my way or the highway” because it is counter-productive.

A free society is only possible if we learn to respect the views, opinions & thoughts of our fellow countrymen/women, without using disparaging remarks, threats of bodily harm and the acts of outright violence and intimidation. Violence, threats, torture, killing, murder, rape, pouring acid (“acid attacks“) etc. are some of the popular tools used by the criminals-turned-politicians & by many others in India to suppress dissent or counter-points/views  in India. This has been the case for times immemorial and we as a nation are told to put up with it.

Why should we tolerate those who do not respect the law of the land? Is the law only for the elite and powerful people in India? Why should the ordinary Indian citizen who earns a honest living and struggles to make ends meet be subjected to such state sponsored brutality? Yes, I used the term “state sponsored brutality” because it is the Republic itself through it’s elected officials carries out such attacks? The Indian government is notoriously famous for meting out “collective punishment”.

Are we not a Constitutional democracy which affords all citizens the Equal Protection of the law and the Right to be heard?

We as a rich ancient civilization, have forgotten many golden rules of civility.

I sincerely wish to bring a positive change to the Indian society in general. This can be be achieved through dialogue, sharing of ideas, opinions, suggestions & thoughts and a burning desire to see India free from the shackles of illiteracy, poverty & political oppression.

I am a firm believer in Free Constitutional Democracies, which affords it’s citizens the fundamental freedom that every human being on our planet must have. A person must be free to chose what he/she thinks, reads, or writes. Freedom of movement & assembly, freedom to follow his religion or beliefs, freedom to criticize the government openly and freely, without worrying about government retribution or punishment.

WE must stand united if we want to secure India’s future. Would you please join me?

Thank you


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