Tag Archives: promise

The Boldly Intolerant God of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Boldly Intolerant God of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Books & Articles


“The ultimate test of a…   https://thelargestdemocracy.wordpress.com/
What Grace Has Become  https://thelargestdemocracy.wordpress.com/


The High Calling to Preach and Teach the Word Of God: A PCUSA Pastor’s Appreciation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Affirmation of Preaching (christisvictorious.typepad.com)

The Boldly Intolerant God of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (mtsweat.com)

Abortion ‘holocaust’? If the shoe fits … (wnd.com)

“Who am I?” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (newgottland.com)

Wind – Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a spoke in the wheel (celclibrary.wordpress.com)

Give Thanks for All Things – Including Your Church (seanwhitenack.wordpress.com)

Dabbling With My Dilettante Mind (mtsweat.com)

Give Thanks for All Things – Including Your Church (seanwhitenack.wordpress.com)


Voltaire – Freedom of Expression is the right of every man, woman & child.

Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire, commonly known by his pen name Voltaire was a satirical polemicist, who criticized many of the intolerant, religious dogmas that were practiced in France and on the European continent.

He was a strong intellectual challenger to the French government, laws, & its officials. For his free thinking and outspokenness he was jailed several times and even sent into exile. His books and commentaries on civil liberties, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and most important of all his arguments on separation of church and state helped shape the world in many respects.

Voltaire’s arguments, principles and maxims are embodied in the written Constitutions of many free democratic countries.

Voltaire is credited with the following quotes – 

(a)  “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”.

(b)  “I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write”

Author’s thoughts: Exercise your fundamental right by joining me in spreading the word. Please, share the blog with your family, friends, acquaintances, and everyone in your community. Keep the communication flowing and help transform the world for the betterment & prosperity of humankind ~ Thank you.

Voltaire's statue and tomb in the crypt of the...



Black Money – Is the Indian President & GOI serious about punishing the wrongdoers?


Do want to know what Mr. Phillipe Weltie, the Swiss Ambassador to India had to say about sharing information with the Indian Govt. on black money in Swiss bank accounts of Indian nationals?

If you thought the President of India Mrs. Pratibha Patil and the her government were proactive, read the article. ~ Thank you.



Human Rights – Let us all get involved

Human Rights – Let us all get involved

Dear Friends & critics

Please, click on the link and voice your concerns about the human rights abuses in India. The website is educational and informative. Get your friends, family, neighbors, classmates & everyone else involved by emailing this link to others, requesting them to take action against the criminals who continue to abuse and suppress our fellow countryman. Let us all pledge to declare war on DISCRIMINATION against our fellow citizens. Help me protect and preserve human lives and our democracy.

~ Thank you

Author ~ https://thelargestdemocracy.wordpress.com/


Related articles

Anna Hazare fights corruption

Anna Hazare fights corruption

Dear Friends and critics

Let’s help Mr. Anna Hazare and his team by showing our support and through monetary contribution. He and his followers are trying to achieve what no politician in modern India has ever attempted to do. We have heard many lecture on the evils of corruption BUT not a single person has thrown himself / herself into the ring to fight it.

Wishing Mr. Hazare, Mr. Kejriwal, Ms. Kiran Bedi and many others all the very best. May VICTORY be yours…always.

Critically Endangered Species of India

Critically Endangered Species of India

Let’s spread the news. Help save India’s birds.

My response to the Indian Government’s steps to censor freedom of speech.


 Author ~ https://thelargestdemocracy.wordpress.com/

I am compelled to say “Free speech, is a fundamental human right and I shall have it and exercise it whenever and wherever I feel do so at any and all cost. Even if it brings death to me”.

“Free speech, is a fundamental human right and I shall have it and exercise it whenever and  wherever,

I please to do so. 

I will NOT adhere to any law that infringes upon my Constitutional right to question any authority or those who hold higher offices, this I shall continue to do so as a citizen of India at any and all cost.

No force on earth can stop me from speaking my mind, I shall continue to speak against the injustices perpetrated by the Indian Government on all Indians. Whether they may be Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Bahai, Zoroastrians, atheist, agnostic or of any caste, denomination, creed or color. For, I firmly believe in the greatest religion called HUMANITY.

No force on earth can stop me from questioning or speaking against the unjust laws or the social injustices that I and many others experience in India on a daily basis.

I am free from the shackles of intimidation and death. May God grant me HIS wisdom and strength to fight this battle against wolves in sheep clothing”.  
