Monthly Archives: May 2012

Censorship by Indian Government (GOI)

Censorship by Indian Government (GOI)

India – Censorship. The Govt of India (GOI) attempts to infringe on the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Transforming India – Public Policy Certification

Transforming India – Public Policy Certification

India – Please, help India. The link below is informative & helpful. Pass it on to your family & friends. Always, be informed & educated on as many subject matters / issues as possible. Thx.

Help India Grow – Share the link with family & friends

India – Please, help India. The link below is informative & helpful. Pass it on to your family & friends.

Always, be informed & educated on as many subject matters / issues as possible. Thx.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Deutsch: Taj Mahal im ...

Author’s Introduction

india calcutta bookstore

india calcutta bookstore (Photo credit: FriskoDude)

Who am I?

What do I stand for?  What are my beliefs?

Why do I care so much?

I am a social activist at heart, hence I started this blog. My sole purpose is to educated the masses in order to bring positive changes to the three branches of the Indian government – the Executive, Legislative & Judicial.

I believe in keeping an open mind, so that I may learn to appreciate various points of view. I do not believe in “my way or the highway” because it is counter-productive.

A free society is only possible if we learn to respect the views, opinions & thoughts of our fellow countrymen/women, without using disparaging remarks, threats of bodily harm and the acts of outright violence and intimidation. Violence, threats, torture, killing, murder, rape, pouring acid (“acid attacks“) etc. are some of the popular tools used by the criminals-turned-politicians & by many others in India to suppress dissent or counter-points/views  in India. This has been the case for times immemorial and we as a nation are told to put up with it.

Why should we tolerate those who do not respect the law of the land? Is the law only for the elite and powerful people in India? Why should the ordinary Indian citizen who earns a honest living and struggles to make ends meet be subjected to such state sponsored brutality? Yes, I used the term “state sponsored brutality” because it is the Republic itself through it’s elected officials carries out such attacks? The Indian government is notoriously famous for meting out “collective punishment”.

Are we not a Constitutional democracy which affords all citizens the Equal Protection of the law and the Right to be heard?

We as a rich ancient civilization, have forgotten many golden rules of civility.

I sincerely wish to bring a positive change to the Indian society in general. This can be be achieved through dialogue, sharing of ideas, opinions, suggestions & thoughts and a burning desire to see India free from the shackles of illiteracy, poverty & political oppression.

I am a firm believer in Free Constitutional Democracies, which affords it’s citizens the fundamental freedom that every human being on our planet must have. A person must be free to chose what he/she thinks, reads, or writes. Freedom of movement & assembly, freedom to follow his religion or beliefs, freedom to criticize the government openly and freely, without worrying about government retribution or punishment.

WE must stand united if we want to secure India’s future. Would you please join me?

Thank you


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